Semi-finished wood products

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Showing records 7101-7120 of 7260
Company Name Address Representation Staff Products and services Last updated
Sturhan Wilh. Holzhandlung Vlotho, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Various wooden products. 2001.04.20
Sturm Wilh. & Co. Holzland, Holzhandlung Forettle / Kaufbeuren, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood and wood products. 2001.04.20
Stüwert A. HolzHdl. Löcknitz, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wooden products and timber. 2001.04.20
Stüwert Axel HolzHdl. (Vierraden) Vierraden, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood and wood products. 2001.04.20
Süd-Holz GmbH Holzgroßhandlung Import - Export Karlsruhe, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wooden products. 2001.04.20
Suhling Johann Blender, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wooden products. 2001.04.20
Sundermann Holz-Fachmarkt Einzelhandels GmbH (Wa) Altenstadt, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Timber and wood products. 2001.04.20
SUNDERMANN Holzgroßhandlung (Wa) Altenstadt, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood. 2001.04.20
Sundermann Holzhandels GmbH HolzGroßHdl. Lauterbach, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood materials. 2001.04.20
Stocker Karl HolzHdl. (Ank) Triftern, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wooden products and timber. 2001.04.20
Stümpfel Wolfgang Sägewerk HolzHdl. Schnaittach, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wooden products. 2001.04.20
Stotzem OHG, Wilhelm Sägewerk u. HolzHdl. Erkelenz, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood and wood products. 2001.04.20
Stockhaus Hugo HolzHdl. Blankenheim, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood materials. 2001.04.20
Stockinger Manfred HolzHdl. Mauth, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Various wooden products. 2001.04.20
Stöckl Johann HolzHdl. Bauer Rattenkirchen, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood import and export. 2001.04.20
Stöckner Karl-Heinz HolzHdl. Zell Grönenbach, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood. 2001.04.20
Stöger Georg HolzHdl. Traunstein, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Wood materials. 2001.04.20
Stoiber Josef, Sägewerk und Holzhandlung OHG Erding, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Products from wood. 2001.04.20
STÖLKER HELMUT Container Transporte Holzgroßhandel Offenburg, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown All timber and wooden products. 2001.04.20
Stoll Bernd Holzmarkt (Ber) Bernsbach, Germany Products: 1
Representatives: 0
0 Unknown Trade in wood and wood products. 2001.04.20
(N) - newest members.