Products and services
Square edged boards, lamellas, boules - unedged board, construction timber – heart free square beams and wide range of planed products made of siberian larch
Siberian larch, Sibirische Laerche, Larix sibirica

Offer Siberian larch, Sibirische Laerche, Larix sibirica

Herewith I would like to offer you Siberian larch saw timber.
We receive wood from Siberia... More>>>
Siberian larch square edged boards

Offer Siberian larch square edged boards

Square edged boards.
22/25/27/32/37/50/63 x 100/125/150/175/200/225 x 3-4-5.1-6 m
Other sizes are... More>>>
Siberian larch unedged boards

Offer Siberian larch unedged boards

quality 0/I, humidity fresh
lengths : 4,00 and 6,00 m
thicknesses: 25/27 mm, 27/30 mm, 32/35 mm,... More>>>
Siberian larch radial lamellas

Offer Siberian larch radial lamellas

Herewith I would like to offer you Siberian larch lamellas:
27(30)*90... More>>>
Siberian larch terrace boards (and other finished products)

Offer Siberian larch terrace boards (and other finished products)

Herewith I would like to offer you terrace boards (and other finished products, like decking,... More>>>
Sibirische Lärche aus Russland

Offer Sibirische Lärche aus Russland

Sehr geehrten Damen und Herren,
wir bieten Schnittholz - 22/25/27/32/37/50/63 x... More>>>
Larice Siberiano

Offer Larice Siberiano

Larice Siberiano boules, 0-I (25/27, 27/30, 32/35, 37/40, 50/53, 63/67, 75/80 mm)
Larice Siberiano... More>>>