Fingerlicking International Services Limited
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Bolton Woods is a hardwood lumber manufacturer with a state-of-the-art sawmill and dry line that offers precision manufacturing and is committed to producing high quality products. Our Mission Statement: “Running right, running safe to sustainable produce the highest quality hardwood lumber”
Bolton Woods provides institutions and individuals a unique opportunity to invest in a private company focused exclusively on the management of high quality timberlands with an objective of producing durable shareholder returns from recurring income, select acquisitions, and opportunistic land sales. We seek to drive performance through a focus on higher quality assets in select mill markets. We look to deliver recurring dividends from sustainable harvests on prime timberlands and opportunistic land sales, taking advantage of the current housing recovery. Our advanced forest management technology provides for predictable growth rates and harvest yields over an extended period, allowing for optimum long-term harvest planning. We proactively adjust harvest activities in response to market conditions, accelerating harvest volumes to capitalize on strong product pricing or allowing trees to continue to grow and appreciate in value. We target the acquisition of highly-productive and well-located timberlands in high demand fiber basket markets through disciplined capital allocations. We grow stable and predictable cash flows and enhance net asset value through active forest management and concerted environmental stewardship. We continually assess potential alternative uses for timberland tracts that may prove more valuable for development, conservation, or recreation.
Number of employees: 120
Information updated: 2016.07.01
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Fingerlicking International Services Limited
Company Code: RC 847991 VAT code: 17199806 23/25 Gbogi Street 234340 Akure Nigeria Phones: +2348186377777 +2348060218392 Contact by e-mail Representatives |