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Initially started as a family business around 1997, the brand Hanfas has been able to establish a trust amongst thousands of customers in India as well as overseas customers.
Our range of simple yet well engineered products delivers accuracy, efficiency and enormous cost-benefits across all cabinetry and modular furniture applications. During many such sales visits to furniture manufacturing units, possessing latest and expensive European machineries, we noticed that glue spreading was done in the least efficient method by cheap plastic glue spreaders or worst still by a baker’s scrapper. The knowledge of glue application and Glue Audit simply did not exist in these companies. The losses incurred by applying excess costly glue, which eventually resulted in air bubbles and weak adhesion was grossly ignored. This triggered our team and motivated them to develop a world class glue spreader, with user comfort features, 100% efficient uniform glue spreading, long service life and value for money. We get immense pleasure when our customers admit saving tones of glue and money as well. Most of the new customers are referral driven by the one who wisely conducted a Glue Audit . For more details on the two variants PRIMA FLOW and GO ECO let’s connect www.gluespreaders.com
Number of employees: 10
Information updated: 2022.09.10
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Company Code: SURVEY . NO. 16/1 /12, HADAPSAR ROAD, PUNE MAHARASTRA 411028 PUNE, MAHARASTRA India Phones: +919890275678 Faxes: +919890154567 Contact by e-mail http://www.hanfas.com https://total-impex.wood-me.com Representatives |