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TDC Group of Companies, engages in Property Development, Property Investment, Oil palm plantations, Sawn Timber Supplier and Construction businesses in Malaysia. The company operates through Property Development, Plantation, and Investment Holding and Construction segments. The Property Development segment develops residential and commercial properties. The Plantation segment engages in the oil palm cultivation and sale of oil palm fruits. The Investment Holding and Others segment is involved in sawn timber, building materials, and property investment activities. TDC also in construction business; and provides building and civil engineering construction services. TDC Group was founded in 1972, incorporated in Malaysia with its Head Office based in Kuala Lumpur.
Statistics Number of employees: 407
Information updated: 2016.04.14 Ads of this Company
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TDC Consortium Sdn Bhd
Company Code: 664145-U

B-5-8 Plaza Mont Kiara
Kuala Lumpur


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