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Offer: Qualitative houses with balanced microclimate

Date: 2017.04.06
Id: 25292

Structures used by JSC Geras namas (external walls, roofs, ceilings), as well as special insulation and finishing materials, create a healthy and balanced microclimate in each house. All building materials used by the company comply with the strictest EUROPEAN UNION requirements and environmental standards.
At the design stage, the selected materials and systems protect the house from noise and vibration; maintain natural moisture balance and good indoor air quality; and eliminate fungal bacteria, volatile organic compounds, dust and other allergens. This technology applied to your house creates a structure that will be warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Construction work
Reconstruction/ Renovation
Interior finishing
Project work

Living houses / Summer houses / Residencies / Apartments /
Recreation buildings / Hotels / Offices