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Offer: Wood pellets

Date: 2023.04.28
Id: 27080

Wood Pellet Din plus ( PREMIUM ) / EN plus-A1 Wood Pellet
1.Wood pellets DIN (made from Spruce, Oak, Beech, and pine)
Diameter 6mm / 12mm
Humidity 5.4 %
Ash 0.5-1.0 %
Heating value 4796 kcal/kg - 4950 kcal/kg
Packing: 15 kg bag or big-bag (1000 kg)

2.Wood pellets DIN plus (Spruce, Oak, Beech and pine)
Diameter: 6mm / 8mm
Color: light
Humidity: 6.8 %
Ash: 0.3-0.5 %
Heating value 4223 kcal/kg - 4996 kcal/kg
Packing: 15 kg bags or big-bag (1000kg)