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Offer: Wood preservative high borates

Date: 2019.12.16
Id: 25841

Indiboromax is borate and glycol base new generation wood/bamboo preservative.
Indiboromax contains borates which is natural base materials and is stomach poison for wood damaging insects and fungi..
Borates are well known as stomach poisons that control wood damaging insects poisoning them when they ingest them. Additionally glycols offer wide spectrum application to the wood whether it is fresh or old one.
Indiboromax active ingredient is disodium octoborate tetra hydrate which can be applied to wood by injection or spray. It creates protective layer of chemicals to wood which prevents and cures wood damaging factors. Chemical in Indiboromax penetrates the wood with its depth of final penetration depending on factors such as wood moisture content and wood density. The glycols are intended to enhance the penetration of Indiboromax in wood.

Long Lasting Protection

Borates are inorganic. This means that they will not degrade over time. As long as it is protected from moving moisture such as running water, the borate in Indiboromax will remain in place on and inside the treated wood for a very long period. And continue to protect it from insect and fungi attack for as long as it is in service